Table of Contents
- AdapterStack
- AddPrefixAdapter
- Adds a prefix to all paths given to the adapter.
- DirectoryViaPlaceholderFileAdapter
- Implements directory support for any adapter utilizing a placeholder file.
- EventedAdapter
- Indirect adapter implements a simple pattern that allows extending classes to provide a concrete adapter for any call as well as rewrite the path passed to such calls.
- CopyEvent
- DeleteDirectoryEvent
- DeleteEvent
- MoveEvent
- WriteEvent
- WriteStreamEvent
- IndirectAdapter
- Indirect adapter implements a simple pattern that allows extending classes to provide a concrete adapter for any call as well as rewrite the path passed to such calls.
- LazyDirectoryProvider
- Allows you to lazily provide directories for use with VirtualDirectoryListAdapter
- MetadataCachingAdapter
- This adapter will cache the results of any of the metadata retrievers and reuse them.
- MoveOverwriteAdapter
- This adapter wraps underlying adapters which do not properly implement the move semantics.
- OverlayAdapter
- This adapter mounts one adapter as an overlay on top of another based on a prefix
- PublicUrlAdapter
- StripPrefixAdapter
- Strips a prefix from all paths given to the adapter.
- VirtualDirectoryListAdapter
- This adapter allows you to add virtual directories to a specific path on an underlying adapter.
- VirtualDirectoryListWithMetaDataAdapter
- This adapter allows you to add virtual directories to a specific path on an underlying adapter.
- VirtualDirectoryProviderAdapter
- This adapter allows you to add virtual directories to a specific path on an underlying adapter.